But guess what... I did something that i thought i would never do unless i was forced to!
Let me start from the beginning, i was invited by my campus commander for DiGi Yellow Army to go for this leadership camp all the way down in Shah Alam. At first i was thinking that it would be B***S*iT because i've been such a pessimist all the while. But since it came with transport to the All American Rejects concert in 1Utama, it would be hitting two birds with one stone! I'm a big fan of AAR so i really wanted to go to the concert, the camp was long forgotten since the word "concert" came up. But something unfortunate had to happen, the concert was postponed. The leader of the band got injured so they could not perform on the specific date. Although i was told that i could pull out from the camp, i joined anyhow.

The journey to Shah Alam was rather tedious, because instead of taking the bus at 2pm, Charles(UTP DiGi Campus Advisor) and i had to go from Taman Maju to Medan Gopeng to get a 3.30pm bus to KL. On the way to KL there was an accident where a lorry crashed into the side of the road, causing traffic, and thus, delaying our bus ride. Finally in KL, we took a taxi ride to the D'House in Shah Alam, which was the place the camp would take place.
D'House was amazing, it's not your average office, its like a creative piece of art, where work meets leisure. I have no pictures of it anyways, but the view was marvelous.
The first time the trainer, U2 Kumar went up on stage, he didn't look that much of a trainer, but after he spoke his first few words, i could predict that we were on a one way ticket to self enlightenment and excitement. Comparing to a few other camps and seminars i have been to, Kumar's seminar was one of a kind. This man made a lot of difference to me and hopefully to the rest of the participants. He was really funny too, saying "mouchacha" and "hamchimpeng".
Everything has its good and bad sides, and i must say that the camp wasn't all that perfect. The hostel we stayed in had a bathroom that was in bad shape, but still usable of course. The timing of the schedule was not proper with the seminar, and we even had assignments which was given by Kumar. The worst was the lack of sleep, since i came to Shah Alam half drained, and i couldn't sleep long in this camp since there was a lot of activities going on, and if i didn't take part, i wouldn't enjoy myself.
Throughout the whole thing, i met quite a number of people, and as usual, exchanging stories and experiences, and soon, exchanging email addresses for Facebook. We were all a bunch of crazy people, but not as crazy as Charles batch. I befriended a person who could breakdance very well, some others from Uitm Sabah, Unimas Kuching and many more. I also had this team leader from UTM Johor, who couldn't sleep because she had too much energy. Her name is Supia Chao, and at first, her name sounded like Malay, but in fact she is a Chinese from Ipoh, Perak.
When the camp ended, i was more than happy because i was super exhausted and wanted to have some rest. Stopped by Lowyat to get myself a mouse pad from Razer, to complement my Deathadder :).

Upon reaching UTP, I was totally out of juice. After having my bath, played a few dota games, i crashed on my bed. Oh well, the weekend was over, and wow, it was a great one. I even managed to honestly give my gratitude to someone, and i am happy about it, hopefully she is...
That's the whole story for my weekend, and wow, that's one long post. TTFN :)
wah yves, tak ajak. haha
ReplyDeletewow, thought you will kutuk me here, somehow i was wild searching my name at google and found your blog. will add you to my link soon, feel free to add me too. Have a great day.